Feature Requests

Your search for "administration" returned 54 results:

Quarantine (Exchange Folder-Based)

Last activity: 1 week ago
Offer a new action to move spam-flagged emails directly into a quarantine folder in the end-user's mailbox where they can be reviewed by the end-user.

Log Viewer: Live Event Viewing

Last activity: 4 months ago
Allow the administrator to turn on automatic updating of the log view in the ORF Log Viewer when new events are logged, i.e. provide a live feed of logged events in the ORF Log Viewer.

DONE Direct Logging to SQL Databases

Last activity: 1 year ago
Add a new log media to ORF that would log directly into an SQL database (e.g. via ODBC or OLEDB), such as Microsoft® SQL Server or MySQL.

Automatic Configuration Update from Vamsoft

Last activity: 1 year ago
Add a new feature that automatically updates the ORF configuration with the latest recommended settings from Vamsoft. This would reduce the administration overhead and keep the configuration up to date with the latest threats.
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