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Updating your DNSBL and SURBL definitions

2 days ago
The following article describes the process of updating your DNS and SURBL definitions in ORF. Having up-to-date DNS and SURBLs definitions in ORF and using the recommended lists are the easiest and most efficient way to catch spam.

ORF Issue History

1 year ago
This page describes the issues we had in older ORF releases. The latest version is shipped with fixes for all the bugs below (see all current known issues with the latest ORF version in this KB article).

I get the error "..." when I try to get ORF’s AD integration work. How can I fix this?

3 months ago
Make sure that you have a valid LDAP path configured for ORF (Administration Tool: Blacklists / Recipient Validation, Configure selected. Note that LDAP, GC, DC, ORG, etc. has to be written uppercase and no spaces are allowed between the commas.
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