Feature Requests

Your search for "administration" returned 54 results:

DONE Support for IPv6 addresses

Last activity: 3 years ago
Support for IPv6 addresses in all IP address entry fields, including the IP Blacklist, IP Whitelist and IP-based exception lists, etc.

Disclaimer Support

Last activity: 3 years ago
Support adding a legal disclaimer (or other footer) to outgoing emails.

Log All Outgoing Emails

Last activity: 4 years ago
Option to log all outgoing emails relayed through the SMTP/Exchange server ORF is bound to, not only those where the recipient of the outgoing email is added to the Auto Sender Whitelist Database.

Add BCC Recipient Addresses to Emails

Last activity: 4 years ago
Normally, BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) recipients are not recorded in emails anywhere. Add a new option to ORF that records the original envelope recipient list (which includes the local BCC'd recipients) to the email header as e.g. X-Envelope Recipients: Recipient1;Recipient2, etc.
hnp1 | hnp2