Feature Requests

Your search for "administration" returned 54 results:

Support More DNS Whitelists

Last activity: 4 years ago
Support more DNS-based reputation services in addition to Sender Score Certified, such as DNSWL.org. ORF could query the sender IP address against these lists and whitelist (allow through) trusted senders.

DONE Per Test Actions

Last activity: 4 years ago
Allow specifying a different action for every test, e.g. Reject for the SPF Test and Tag Subject for the Keyword Blacklist.

DONE Log Viewer: Load Log Files From Multiple Servers

Last activity: 4 years ago
Improve the Log Viewer so it could load log files from multiple servers at once. Each server would have a sub-directory in the ORF log directory mapped in using symbolic links over the Windows network: the Log Viewer could load all log files from all of these sub-directories.

DONE Log Temporary Email File Name for External Agents

Last activity: 5 years ago
ORF writes the email into a temporary file before it is passed to External Agents. Add the name of this temporary file to the logged ORF event. This would help identifying the email when an External Agent has its own logs, but does not support logging other properties (such as the Message-ID).
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