Feature Requests

DONE Direct Logging to SQL Databases

Last activity: 1 year ago
Add a new log media to ORF that would log directly into an SQL database (e.g. via ODBC or OLEDB), such as Microsoft® SQL Server or MySQL.

DONE Update SPF Test To The Latest RFC

Last activity: 8 years ago
ORF implements an earlier (draft) version of the SPF specification instead of the final version RFC 4408. Update the SPF implementation in ORF to RFC 4408.

DONE Log Viewer: Load Log Files From Multiple Servers

Last activity: 5 years ago
Improve the Log Viewer so it could load log files from multiple servers at once. Each server would have a sub-directory in the ORF log directory mapped in using symbolic links over the Windows network: the Log Viewer could load all log files from all of these sub-directories.

DONE Support for DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) RFC 4871

Last activity: 5 years ago
DKIM uses public-key cryptography to allow the sender to electronically sign legitimate emails in a way that can be verified by recipients. Prominent email service providers implementing DKIM (or its slightly different predecessor, DomainKeys) include Yahoo and Gmail. Any mail from these domains should carry a DKIM signature, and if the recipient knows this, they can discard mail that hasn't been signed, or that has an invalid signature. Learn more at http://dkim.org.
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