Your search for "domainkeys" returned 2 results:
DONE Support for DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) RFC 4871
DKIM uses public-key cryptography to allow the sender to electronically sign legitimate emails in a way that can be verified by recipients. Prominent email service providers implementing DKIM (or its slightly different predecessor, DomainKeys) include Yahoo and Gmail. Any mail from these domains should carry a DKIM signature, and if the recipient knows this, they can discard mail that hasn't been signed, or that has an invalid signature.
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Add DomainKeys Signatures to Outgoing Emails
DKIM requires outgoing emails to be signed with a special signature, so if a recipient knows that all legitimate emails sent from your domains are signed with such signatures, they can drop spoofed emails (which are unsigned or have an invalid signature). This feature would allow ORF to add DomainKeys signatures to outgoing emails. For more information about DomainKeys, please visit