Your search for "spam" returned 9 results:
Daily Digest Reports To The End-User
Send daily digest reports the end-user about the emails blacklisted for them. When combined with the "Quarantine (Web-based)" request, this would also allow direct releasing of quarantined emails.
Bayesian (or Other Statistical) Filtering
Add a new statistical filter test to ORF. The most widely known and used statistical technique is Bayesian filtering, a "learning" email classification method. When properly trained and maintained, statistical filters work very effectively.
However, they require a reliable feed of actual legitimate and spam messages for initial training, so end-users are likely required to participate in the training.
RHSBL Support
Add support for filtering based on RHSBL-type blacklists in ORF, such as
DONE Update SPF Test To The Latest RFC
ORF implements an earlier (draft) version of the SPF specification instead of the final version RFC 4408. Update the SPF implementation in ORF to RFC 4408.