
ORF 6.8.3 is available

July 26, 2023

The ORF 6.8.3 update addresses another set of bugs affecting previous releases. For more information about the bug fixes, please refer to the Change Log. You can download the installer from the Client (...)

ORF 6.8.2 is available

June 9, 2023

The ORF 6.8.2 update introduces bugfixes that address DKIM and ARC signature verification errors, the absence of ARC signatures in certain whitelisted emails, and email delivery issues in certain cases (...)

ORF 6.8.1 is available

April 27, 2023

ORF 6.8.1 fixes several bugs related to attachment filtering, configuration saves, and the log viewer. We recommend updating your ORF installations, particularly if you have experienced any of the problems (...)

ORF 6.8 is now available

March 28, 2023

We are pleased to announce that the latest version of ORF is now ready for download. Version 6.8 features a range of enhancements and modifications, including the addition of Plus Addressing and SQL Logging (...)

ORF 6.8 Beta R05 - Go

March 13, 2023

The latest and hopefully final update to the 6.8 beta, with new bug fixes and an extended expiration date, is now available for download on the beta site!

ORF 6.8 Beta R04 - Set

February 28, 2023

As we head into the final round of the open beta, we have fixed an elusive bug that, in very rare cases, could cause operational problems in earlier versions. Download the new version from the beta site! (...)

ORF 6.8 Beta R03 - Ready

February 9, 2023

The latest beta update fixes all reported issues (and then some), optimizes a few background processes, and includes some minor tweaks and improvements. Grab the installer from the beta site!

ORF 6.8 Beta R02 - More bug swatting

January 13, 2023

This update includes important bug fixes for issues discovered in the previous beta release, as well as some additional necessary changes. Get the installer from beta site and update your ORF installations (...)

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