
ORF 6.0 Beta R06

March 21, 2019

The sixth release of ORF 6.0 Beta with minor cosmetic changes and extended expiration is now available. Update your previous beta releases to extend your evaluation time to May 31, 2019.

ORF 6.0 Beta R05

February 20, 2019

The new update is a minor bugfix release that also extends the evaluation time of any ORF 6.0 beta installation to March 31, 2019. Get it now from the beta site.

ORF 6.0 Beta R04

January 23, 2019

ORF 6.0 Beta R04 fixes a major bug that was found in the last beta release and improves the overall filtering performance of ORF. Download the new version from the beta site.

ORF 6.0 Beta R03

January 18, 2019

The third release of ORF 6.0 with extended expiration is now available. Update your Beta R01 or R02 release to extend your evaluation time to February 28, 2019. Get it now from the beta site.

ORF 6.0 Beta R02

December 20, 2018

The latest beta release of ORF 6.0 with Exchange 2019 support and bugfixes is now available. Get it now from the beta site.

ORF 6.0 public preview

December 3, 2018

If you have been wondering what to expect from the next ORF release, wonder no more. The first public preview version of ORF 6.0 is now available and you are invited to test it. Get it now from the beta (...)

ORF 5.5.1 is now available

July 25, 2018

The new version is a minor bugfix release that patches a number of small but important issues. See the Change Log for details.

Get your registered copy from the Client Portal or the evaluation version from (...)

ORF 5.5 is now available

April 24, 2018

We are pleased to announce that ORF 5.5 is now available for download. The new release focuses on performance, usability and on request we've been receiving from all of you. We hope you will be pleased (...)

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