
ORF Enterprise Edition 1.5 Beta R5

April 6, 2004

The new Release 5 is a bugfix release, it is recommended to be installed by all beta users. The list of bugs fixed can be found on the ORF EE Beta newsgroup.

ORF Enterprise Edition 1.5 Beta R4

March 30, 2004

Release 4 is now available, get it from the Customers Area. More information about the changes is available on the ORF EE Beta newsgroup.

ORF Enterprise Edition 1.5 Beta R3

March 10, 2004

Version 1.5 Beta Release 3 has been released and can be downloaded from the Customers Area. Release information is available on the ORF EE Beta newsgroup.

ORF Enterprise Edition 1.5 Beta R2

February 26, 2004

Version 1.5 Beta Release 2 available in the Customers Area. For more information, visit the ORF EE Beta newsgroup on our news server.

ORF Enterprise Edition 1.5 Beta

February 25, 2004

ORF Enterprise 1.5 Beta version is now available. Enter to the Customers Area for details. Feel free to download and test the new version!

Novarg Script Update ("B" variant)

January 29, 2004

The updated Win32.Novarg@mm protection script is now available. The new version also recognizes some typical message contents of the "B" variant (Win32.Novarg.B@mm) and logs the source IP address. Get (...)

Win32.Novarg.A@mm worm protection script

January 28, 2004

A new script which provides protection against the Win32.Novarg.A@mm (a.k.a. W32/Mydoom@MM, WORM_MIMAIL.R) worm is now available for download. For more details, visit the Scripts & Tools section of our (...)

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