Sender Callout Verification


Sender Callout Verification

Last activity: more than 10 years ago
Add a new test for Sender Callout Verifications. This type of test connects back to the email sender's server and attempts to find out if the sender is valid, by starting an SMTP conversation (no email is actually sent). If the sender's email address is rejected as invalid by the sender's email server, the sender email address is considered forged and the email is blacklisted. [Note from Vamsoft: The value and side-effects of this anti-spam technique is disputed in the industry. For instance, simultaneous Sender Callout Verifications from thousands of servers (as a result of a major spam breakout with forged sender email addresses) can result in a kind of Denial Of Service attack performed against the forged sender's email servers].


Who recommended this bad idea?
by cfrankb more than 10 years ago
Sender callout verification is the spawn of the devil - Don't do it !
by Peter Lawton more than 10 years ago
by Anonymous more than 10 years ago

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