Feature Requests

DONE Log Viewer filter definitions based on blacklist/whitelist items

Last activity: 3 years ago
This would allow administrators to create and send filter definitions from the Administration Tool to the Log Viewer by right-clicking list entries and selecting the appropriate command.

DONE Option to Disable Individual Items on Manual Lists

Last activity: 6 years ago
Currently, it is only possible to disable all items of a specific test by disabling the test itself or removing items one by one manually. This feature would allow to temporary disable individual items of a test (e.g., Keyword Filtering, Recipient Blacklist) without deleting them, so they could be re-activated easily in the future if needed.

DONE Support for IPv6 addresses

Last activity: 3 years ago
Support for IPv6 addresses in all IP address entry fields, including the IP Blacklist, IP Whitelist and IP-based exception lists, etc.

DONE Reject Emails Sent to Disabled Recipient Addresses

Last activity: 6 years ago
Currently, the Active Directory-based Recipient Validation of ORF blacklists emails sent to non-existent recipients in the Active Directory. By implementing this feature, ORF would reject incoming emails for existent, but disabled recipient addresses as well.
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