Automatic Configuration Update from Vamsoft


Automatic Configuration Update from Vamsoft

Last activity: 1 year ago
Add a new feature that automatically updates the ORF configuration with the latest recommended settings from Vamsoft. This would reduce the administration overhead and keep the configuration up to date with the latest threats.


This would be an awesome feature because I don't always understand what are the best settings and if I ask ORF for help they send me ideas on what they recommend and their settings always work for a while. Great idea!
by aliton more than 10 years ago
I too would prefer to see some "recommended" settings as defaults perhaps so I didn't have to email ORF support. Not a huge deal and probably more useful for first time initial setup.
by jg IT more than 10 years ago
This would be nice, and saves time. For example, when a blacklist is permanently offline, this could be automaticly distributed. Or when a new one is available it could be added to the dns blacklist available. Now we have to logon to all customers using ORF.
by Henri more than 10 years ago
I uploaded the settings that a friend had. I dont have time to learn all of the different software that i use because of my many other job responsibilities. So if Vamsoft would occasionally send a new filter that could be incorporated into my system that would be great. I guess i would like to see Vamsoft's configuation that helps keep them spam free! I would probably just install that.
by David more than 10 years ago
If you implement it, please give us the choice to enable it or not. For example, the recent new DNSBL file with the UCEPROTECT lists. They were recommended initially in hte newsgroup, but not any more after a few people chimed in about bad experiences. I'd rather have a choice. Gregg
by Gregg, no longer anonymous! more than 10 years ago
@Gregg: the new DNSBL definition list is still experimental, the final recommendation will be based on actual test data and user feedback. Of course, the automatic configuration update would be optional, and we will be extremely careful what to include in it. The primary goal is to keep the false positives at minimum, but maximize the filtering efficiency as well at the same time.
by Krisztian Fekete (Vamsoft) more than 10 years ago
Excellent idea for all the reasons already mentioned. My one beef about ORF is the time it takes out of the administrative day to keep up with the constant spamming tricks. As a multitasking admin I don't have a bunch of time I can spend just on fighting email spam. But my users are the first to let me know if they get one! :)
by Barry more than 10 years ago
That would be great!
by Anonymous more than 10 years ago
I'm not so sure this a good idea having the changes automatically applied. I think have a recommended config sent along with (but not implemented) the ORF installation would be very helpful. But one configuration for someone that works great might be a disaster for someone else catching a lot of false positives.
by Ytsejamer1 more than 10 years ago
It would be nice to have recommended settings added automatically. This feature should be possible to turn on or off.
by Mikael more than 10 years ago
This is a good idea, so long as it is configurable as indicated by several above. Blanket automatic updates are bad. Selective automatic updates are very helpful. -ASB:
by andrew.baker more than 10 years ago

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