KB - Known Issues

Known Issues

Article was last updated on July 22, 2024. View products that this article applies to.

This article contains the complete list of known issues with the latest ORF 6.8.3 release. For known issues in previous versions, please see our related KB article.

FQDN incorrectly reversed for SURBL Test

Version: 6.4-6.8.3 Severity: Medium Occurrence: High


First published on July 22, 2024.


Enabling IP reversion in the SURBL blacklist properties also affects domains extracted from URIs, even if the corresponding domain setting is disabled.


  1. Start the ORF Administration Tool
  2. Navigate to the SURBL Test page
  3. Double-click the SURBL blacklist you want to edit
  4. Temporarily enable the "Check IP Address" checkbox
  5. Disable the "Reverse IP address for lookup" checkbox
  6. Disable the "Check IP Address" checkbox
  7. Click Ok
  8. Save the ORF Configuration (Ctrl + S)

Password-protected archive filtering issue

Version: 6.3-6.8.3 Severity: Low Occurrence: Low


First published on July 3, 2024.


Certain types of password-protected archives are not being appropriately handled by the related filtering policy ("remove password-protected archives").


There is no workaround for this bug.

Built-in DNS resolver TCP query resolution issue

Version: 6.0 - 6.8.3 Severity: Medium Occurrence: Low


First published on January 15, 2024.


The built-in DNS resolver fails to resolve certain queries over TCP protocol.



Configure at least one External DNS resolver as an alternative.

DMARC exemption issue: email address in display name

Version: 6.8.3 Severity: Low Occurrence: Low


First published on November 10, 2023.


The DMARC Test incorrectly checks exempted email addresses found in the display-name part of the From header address when the "verify all alleged author domains" option is enabled.


Consider one of the following:

  • Add the domain of the exempted email address to the DMARC Author Email Exceptions.
  • Disable the related option: Administration Tool > Authentication > DMARC Test > Settings > "verify all alleged author domains"

DKIM Test: missing error for cryptographic algorithm mismatch

Version: 6.0 - 6.8.3 Severity: Low Occurrence: Low


First published on September 21, 2023.


The DKIM Test fails to generate a permerror when the cryptographic algorithm specified in the DKIM signature does not match the one specified in the public key, as required by RFC standards.


There is no workaround for this bug.

Applies To

The article above applies to the following products and versions:

  • ORF 6.8.3
hnp1 | hnp2