Feature Requests

Test IPs Found in URLs Against Online DNS Blacklists

Last activity: 2 years ago
ORF currently checks only the IP (where the email was sent from) against online DNS Blacklists. This new option would allow checking IPs found in URLs as well.

URL Blacklist Test to Scan Attachments

Last activity: 1 year ago
In addition to checking URLs found in the body of the email, this feature would allow testing URLs found in DOC, TXT, RTF, PDF attachments as well against online URIBLs, and blacklist the email on hit.

Recipient Validation to Support Multiple LDAP Paths

Last activity: more than 10 years ago
Currently, only a single LDAP path could be set for the Active Directory-based Recipient Validation feature, so ORF can query the valid recipient list from a single Active Directory only. This improvement would allow ORF users with multiple Active Directories to take advantage of the Recipient Validation test without importing the valid recipient addresses into an SQL database or text file from each Active Directory periodically.

Auto Sender Whitelisting Entire Domains

Last activity: more than 10 years ago
Enabling this option would whitelist emails not only from recipients of outgoing emails recorded in the Auto Sender Whitelist database, but from all addresses in their domains. This might cause problems if the recorded sender uses a free email provider (like Gmail, YahooMail or Hotmail), so to avoid whitelisting such domains, there would be a domain exception list.
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