Add the Sender's Email Address to the Comment of IP Whitelist Entries
Automatically add the sender's email address to the comment field of IP whitelist entries sent over from the Log Viewer, so it would be easier to track which IP whitelist entry belongs to which sender.
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Add DomainKeys Signatures to Outgoing Emails
DKIM requires outgoing emails to be signed with a special signature, so if a recipient knows that all legitimate emails sent from your domains are signed with such signatures, they can drop spoofed emails (which are unsigned or have an invalid signature). This feature would allow ORF to add DomainKeys signatures to outgoing emails. For more information about DomainKeys, please visit
Automatic Global Catalog (GC) Server Detection
The automatic LDAP path (Active Directory) detection feature of ORF is currently capable of detecting the Domain Controller (DC) only. The Global Catalog (GC) can be queried only by setting the LDAP path manually. This new feature would detect the GC path without manual interaction.
DONE Reject Emails Sent to Disabled Recipient Addresses
Currently, the Active Directory-based Recipient Validation of ORF blacklists emails sent to non-existent recipients in the Active Directory. By implementing this feature, ORF would reject incoming emails for existent, but disabled recipient addresses as well.