Feature Requests

Detailed Tagging

Last activity: more than 10 years ago
When tagging the subject or the header of blacklisted emails, some custom fields could be incorporated into the tag, for example the name of the test which triggered the blacklisting.

Support More DNS Whitelists

Last activity: 4 years ago
Support more DNS-based reputation services in addition to Sender Score Certified, such as DNSWL.org. ORF could query the sender IP address against these lists and whitelist (allow through) trusted senders.

DONE Improve Keyword Expression Editing

Last activity: more than 10 years ago
Add support for editing and testing Keyword Filter expressions in more spacious, resizable dialog to help constructing complex keyword filter expressions.


Last activity: 9 years ago
Add autoresponder (i.e. automatic email responses sent to external senders) functionality to ORF, configurable by the administration for local email addresses.
hnp1 | hnp2