KB - ORF 6.0 Change Log

ORF 6.0 Change Log

Article was last updated on July 3, 2019. View products that this article applies to.

This article contains the complete list of changes implemented in ORF 6.0 compared to the previous 5.5.1 release.

Changes in version ORF 6.0

  • NEW: Microsoft® Exchange 2019 compatibility
    Exchange 2019 is now fully supported by ORF.
  • NEW: Microsoft® Windows Server 2019 compatibility
    ORF is now officially supported on Windows Server 2019.
  • NEW: Licensing Changes
    ORF Fusion is now available through subscription only. Perpetual licenses and maintenance plans are no longer available. For more information please consult our related KB.
  • NEW: License Manager
    ORF Fusion now requires a license key for activation. A License Manager has been added to the ORF Administration Tool (Help / License Manager) for managing your licenses.
  • NEW: DKIM Test
    The new version supports using the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) email authentication framework for verifying the integrity of incoming emails as well as the identity of responsible senders via cryptographic signatures.
  • NEW: DMARC Test
    Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC), possibly the most advanced email validation system designed to combat phishing and email spoofing, is now here to help you detect and mitigate fraudulent messages.
  • NEW: Per-Test Actions
    Separate filtering actions can now be specified for almost every blacklist test.
  • NEW: Attachment Filter Exceptions
    Allows excluding specific senders from Attachment Filtering by the sender email address or the source IP address.
  • NEW: DKIM Test added to Whitelist Test Exceptions
    Provides an opportunity to verify the authenticity of the incoming email before the Auto Sender Whitelist or Sender Whitelist could exempt the message from filtering (disabled by default).
  • NEW: General User Interface Improvements
    • Status indicator added to tests in the side-menu
    • Toggle option added to the toolbars
    • Status bar elements are now interactive
    • Some of the icons received a second state
  • NEW: Log Viewer Log File Handling Improvements
    • Drag-and-drop support added
    • You may now select multiple log files and load them at once
    • Loading specific log files is now possible in multi-server mode as well
  • IMPROVED: Attachment Blacklist Logging
    Filter expressions are now appended to log messages automatically when no user-defined comment text is configured.
  • CHANGE: Microsoft® Windows Server 2003 support retired
    The new version no longer supports Microsoft® Windows Sever 2003.
  • CHANGE: Microsoft® Exchange Server 2000-2003 support retired
    The new version no longer supports Exchange Server 2000 and Exchange Server 2003.
  • CHANGE: Fusion for SBS edition retired
    The Fusion for SBS edition of ORF has been retired due to lack of demand. There is only one ORF edition now, ORF Fusion, which supports Windows Server Essentials (formerly Windows Small Business Server or SBS) installations as well. Free upgrades to ORF Fusion are given to Fusion for SBS users with active Software Maintenance Agreements.
  • CHANGE: License Agreement Updated
    The license agreement has been changed, the installer and the documentation was updated accordingly.
  • BUGFIX: Increased Memory Usage & Oversized PowerLog Reference File
    A bug in the ORF PowerLog Reference module resulted in a new reference entry being added to the plogrefs.dat file on each IP Whitelist and IP Blacklist hit. The potential impacts of the bug were out of memory errors and service crashes affecting servers with very high email load.
  • BUGFIX: Wrong Attachment Filtering Action on Memory Error
    Fixed an error handling bug that could cause legitimate emails and attachments to be blacklisted or quarantined.
  • BUGFIX: Configuration Change Warning Not Displayed
    The ORF Administration Tool did not check whether the local configuration of the subscriber server should be saved before connecting to a publisher server if the connection was initiated from a settings page that was in subscriber mode.

Applies To

The article above applies to the following products and versions:

  • ORF 6.0
hnp1 | hnp2