On Arrival error: Unexpected exception EEngineError "Size mismatch on rewriting the email.". RSS Back to forum
or alternatively add a header entry so that we can create mail flow rule to move it into the spambucket
@Chris Low:
Hello Chris,
Is this a recurring issue? We have not encountered this particular error before. Could you send the relevant ORF log file (e.g. orfee-2017-04-18.log) to , for analysis? The logs can be found on the configured logging path (default: \Program Files (x86)\ORF Fusion).
As for your question, I am afraid there is no option in ORF that would allow the tagging of emails that trigger errors, but I will definitely forward your request to our developers for consideration. I like your suggestion.
would be nice. otherwise right now any thing that triggers an engine error causes spam to get whitelisted. that seems exploitable to me
so got a few hundred identified as spam emails that get sent through anyway due to the above error. is there anyway you can make an option for "on eeengineerror = treat as spam, send to spambucket instead"