Migration Guide

ORF 6.9.2 Other Versions


Follow the steps in this guide to migrate an existing ORF installation to another computer, retaining your current settings and data.

Migration Outline


Create a backup (source server)

Create a configuration and data backup on the source server as described by the Configuration Backup Guide.


Install ORF on the target server

Check out the Installation Guide for help with installing ORF. Do not start the ORF Service yet.


Restore the backup (target server)

Restore your backup on the target server (see the Configuration Backup Guide), but do not start the ORF Service yet.


Review settings (target server)

Your imported settings have to be reviewed at this point. This is a complex step — learn more below.


Save the reviewed configuration (target server)

Press CTRL-S or select File | Save Configuration from the menu to save your reviewed configuration.


Start ORF (target server)

Start the ORF Service using the Administration Tool, the Services MMC or command-line by net start orfeesvc.


Activate ORF (target server)

See our Trial Conversion Guide for instructions.

Migration Settings Review

Before you start the ORF Service, make sure to update the configuration from the source server for the target server.

There are many settings that can be different between servers. Find a list of few typical things that change below. Start the ORF Administration Tool to review your settings.

File system paths

If the original directory structure was not preserved, check the following paths:

  • ORF Text Log path (System / Log)
  • PowerLog path (System / Log)
  • Statistics data file path (System / Statistics Settings)
  • DNS cache path (System / DNS -> Caching)
  • Auto Sender Whitelist database path (Whitelists / Auto Sender Whitelist -> Database)
  • DHA Protection Test database path (Blacklists / DHA Protection Test -> Database)
  • Greylisting database path (Blacklists / Greylisting -> Database)
  • Honeypot Test database path (Blacklists / Honeypot Test -> Database)
  • Recipient validation text file source (Blacklists / Recipient Validation)
  • External Agents: Path for temporary email files (Blacklists / External Agents)
  • Attachment Filtering: Attachment Quarantine folder (Blacklists / Attachment Filtering -> Settings)
  • If the target server is a configuration subscriber, review the Path Localizations (System / Configuration Subscription -> Local Paths)

Important If the target server runs Microsoft® Exchange 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010 or 2007, select the System / Microsoft® Exchange page and click Refresh to update the Replay Directory path with the one configured on the target server.

Migration to another location within the network

If the server location within the network has changed, review the following settings.

  • Intermediate Host List: Make sure all current front-ends are listed (Filtering / Intermediate Host List)
  • Test assignments: If you have tests assigned to the Before Arrival filtering point, check if this assignment is still valid on the target server: if a new front-end was introduced, move tests to the On Arrival filtering point (Filtering / Tests).

Migration to another network

When migrating ORF to an entirely different network, we recommend a complete, thorough review of your configuration. Check at least the following (in addition to the previous section).

  • Configuration subscription under System / Configuration Subscription, including proxy settings
  • Remote Access settings under System / Remote Access
  • Administrator email address under System / Log -> Email Notifications
  • DNS settings under System / DNS
  • Network settings under File | Network Settings in any of the administrative tools
  • Configuration subscription under System / Configuration Subscription
  • Recipient Validation under Blacklists / Recipient Validation

Restore server bindings

Under IIS SMTP, you will need to re-bind ORF to the SMTP Virtual Servers (System / Server Bindings).

Anti-virus configuration

If you are using the External Agents feature of ORF, make sure the Path for temporary email files (under Blacklists / External Agents) is excluded from real-time anti-virus scanning on the target server. Similarly, the Attachment Quarantine folder (Blacklists / Attachment Filtering -> Settings) should be excluded from anti-virus scanning and should be a directory dedicated for the quarantine contents only.

Watch the logs

Paying closer attention to ORF for a few days after migration is recommended to make sure everything works OK. Use the ORF Log Viewer to check logs and look for any errors or unexpected behaviour caused by a setting that was not updated.

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