Configuration Backup Guide

ORF 6.1.1 Other Versions

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This guide provides instructions for backing up and restoring your ORF configuration and data. If you are creating a backup for moving ORF to another server, please make sure to read the Migration Guide first.

Backup Process

ORF configuration is stored in the file system and can be simply copied to make a backup. This also applies to most of the data files with the exception of External Databases (see below).

Determining backup scope

ORF configuration and data consists of several files. Please review the list below to determine the scope of the backup.

File Type File Name Description
Settings orfent.ini Current ORF system configuration (e.g. DNS settings, whitelists, blacklists)
Settings orflocal.ini ORF system settings local to your system (e.g. Remote Access settings, Configuration Synchronization settings)
Settings orfadmcm.ini Common administrative tool settings (e.g. default connections, proxy settings)
Settings orfeeadm.ini ORF Administration Tool settings (e.g. window positions, paths)
Settings orfelogv.ini ORF Log Viewer settings (e.g. filters, window positions, visible columns)
Settings orfrep.ini ORF Reporting Tool settings (e.g. window positions, paths)
Data *.abs Files with .abs extension store your Auto Sender Whitelist, Greylisting, Directory Harvest Attack Protection and Honeypot data when using Private Local Databases (what if I use External Databases?)
Data orfstat.dat System statistics data (displayed in the Administration Tool)
Data orfs24h.dat 24-hours system statistics data (displayed in the Administration Tool)
Data rcts.ini Remote Control entries sent from the Log Viewer, pending approval
Data dnscache.dat DNS cache data (when caching in ORF is enabled)
Data *.ppr
Files with .ppr extension and plogrefs.dat are required by the Reporting Tool for generating reports. Their file name is in orf-yyyy-mm-dd.ppr format. Copy as many of these as you need for reporting. Always backup .ppr files with plogrefs.dat
Log *.log Text Log Files, used by the Log Viewer to display logs.
Log *.opg PowerLog files, used for generating daily .ppr files for the Reporting Tool, but once the .ppr file is created, they are mostly useless and ORF deletes them by default anyway

Note that some of the above files may not be present on your system, depending on your settings.

If you are using External Databases (that is, an external RDBMS like Microsoft® SQL Server) to store data, please consult the documentation of your RDBMS on creating database backups.

Creating a Backup


Determine backup scope

Determine the list of files to be backed up (see section above).


Shut down ORF

Stop the ORF Service (use the Administration Tool, the Services MMC or command-line: net stop orfeesvc) and exit from all running ORF components.


Copy selected files

Copy the files you want to be included in the backup.


Restart ORF

Start the ORF Service using the Administration Tool, the Services MMC or command-line by net start orfeesvc.

Restore Process

Your configuration can be restored by copying the files back into their original location. Follow the steps below to restore a backup.


Shut down ORF

Stop the ORF Service (use the Administration Tool, the Services MMC or command-line: net stop orfeesvc) and exit from all running ORF components.


Copy files back

Copy the files from your backup to their original location.


Restart ORF

Start the ORF Service using the Administration Tool, the Services MMC or command-line by net start orfeesvc.

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