available variables in attachment replacement message RSS Back to forum
This sound like a good idea, and probably something that we can easily implement. Thank you for the suggestion!
Hi Daniel,
I got one more question. Is it possible to customize the replacement textfile name?
Hello Norbert,
Unfortunately, it is not possible. The name of the replacement text file is always '{FILENAME}.replaced.txt'. This is currently hard-coded in ORF.
Hi Daniel,
maybe it's a good idea to have the possibility to add some kind of variable (like f.i. company name) to the textfile.
This might be helpful indeed, though I am not entirely sure what you mean by "company name". Are you referring to the domain part of the author (From) address?
Some kind of customizable string, so that it would be clear, that f.i. my company did the replacement and not some "evil" hacker trying to trick the user with long filenames. :)
I see, though, the replacement text should provide plenty of information for the recipients and the administrator as well. That said, I completely understand how the long filename might make some recipients wary.
On a somewhat related note, per test actions are already in the works, so soon you will be able to add some informative tag specifically to the emails that fail the attachment blacklist test.
multiple variables are available to insert into the replacement message (attachment name, contenttype aso). If someone has more than one ORF instance running it would be nice to have the servername available, so the administrator can take a look at the correct server without having to try multiple servers.