ORF 6.9 is now available - ORF Forums

ORF 6.9 is now available RSS Back to forum


We are pleased to announce the release of ORF 6.9, featuring notable enhancements, changes and essential fixes. This update introduces the GeoIP Blacklist for more precise filtering and automated error reporting for smoother operation. Additionally, several important bugs have been addressed, including those affecting DKIM Test accuracy and DNS resolution.

For the complete list of changes, see:

You can download it from the Client Portal:

by Greg Pósa (Vamsoft) 7 months ago

Upgraded from 6.8.3 to 6.9. Smooth. Turned on geoip filtering and selected a bunch of countries to block. Smooth. (my environment uses IIS6 smtp and ORF on a Win 2016 gateway, passing mail to an internal server on the LAN (Mdaemon))

..just in the last 24 hours a bunch of spams now getting through with addresses like "" and "". These don't even show up in the ORF log, but are definitely showing up in IIS6 smtp log.

ORF is successfully processing and logging the other 99.99% of all items traversing IIS SMTP.... so... why is it missing just a few?

..also, 6.9 is a bit slow at least from the perspective of using the management log viewer on a remote workstation. crashes a lot and draws screens with an ugly lag.

I downgraded back to 6.8.3 and all better now. fast and snappy. waiting on users to report any new spams getting through and so far no reports of any spams getting in.

by tony.burtovoy 6 months ago

@tony.burtovoy: Hello Tony,

I suspect you have not updated the Management Tools on the client machines to v6.9 (only on the server). The Log Viewer errors you are encountering are likely due to a version mismatch. If the issue persists after updating the Management Tools to v6.9, please send an error report to , including screenshots of the error.

Regarding the missing emails, it is important to note that ORF logs every email it receives from the underlying mail server for inspection. Since ORF is not a proxy, it does not directly receive emails from sending servers but rather processes the email data provided by your mail server. If another filtering agent or server-side rule interferes or reroutes a message before ORF can inspect it, that email will not appear in the ORF logs.

To troubleshoot this, first of all ensure that *all* "Before Arrival" and "On Arrival" logging option is enabled in the ORF Administration Tool (System > Log Settings > Text Log > Configure) and then apply the new settings (Ctrl + S).

Looking forward to hearing from you.

by Daniel Novak (Vamsoft) 6 months ago
(in reply to this post)


actually, I *do* update the clients with any new management tools, so, thats not it :-(

regarding your 2nd point, the smtp service is on the same server as orf, and 6.8.3 does not have any issues missing emails in the log, so to me, the thing that is different is orf 6.9. anyways, I did check the textlog->arrival settings and they're all checked and have been unchanged for years.

I will try to send along a picture of the smtp log vs. the orf log for one of the affected messages.

by tony.burtovoy 6 months ago

do you have a DM that I can send a picture to? (not of the tool crash errors (as I'm not re-upgrading just yet merely to obtain that)).. but.. of some samples of logfiles and screen shots to show that smtp processed a message while orf 6.9 seemed to ignore it.


by tony.burtovoy 6 months ago

@tony.burtovoy: We will look into this Tony.

Please send us the following data for analysis to .

1) The ORF 6.8.3 configuration file from the SMTP server. Path:

C:\ProgramData\ORF Fusion\orfent.xml

2) The ORF 6.8.3 Log Viewer configuration file from the client machine where the problematic Management Tools are installed. Path:

C:\Users\{logged-in-username}\AppData\Roaming\ORF Fusion\orfelogv.ini

3) Screenshot of the Log Viewer errors, and a short description on how to reproduce them.

4) The copy of the emails that do not get logged with v6.9 but appear in the v6.8.3 logs. Please do not forward the emails, but save the originals in .EML or .MSG format.

5) The ORF text log files (zipped) from the past 5 days. Make sure that you include the log files that show the emails in question were recorded with v6.8.3, and the log files that do not show the emails while v6.9 was installed. Default Path:

C:\ProgramData\ORF Fusion\TextLogs

6) The SMTP log excerpts corresponding to the ORF text logs, which show the emails in question were actually received while v6.8.3 and v6.9 was installed.

Thank you!

by Daniel Novak (Vamsoft) 6 months ago
(in reply to this post)


@Daniel Novak (Vamsoft): Daniel-
I have sent the files along.

NOTE: If this does not yield anything obvious then I’m totally OK with thinking that it might just have been a bad installation for whatever reason.. and that trying again (perhaps shutting services first) might yield a correct result.

Let me know!

by tony.burtovoy 6 months ago
(in reply to this post)


@tony.burtovoy: Thank you Tony. However, we have not received your email yet. Which domain did you send it from?

Can you send an email without any attachments to as a test?

by Daniel Novak (Vamsoft) 6 months ago
(in reply to this post)


@Daniel Novak (Vamsoft): Its stuck in my smtp queue waiting to go out. Windows event viewer says: "Message delivery to the host '' failed while delivering to the remote domain 'vamsoft.com' for the following reason: The remote SMTP service rejected the SSL handshake because the certificate has expired."

is that me or you?

by tony.burtovoy 6 months ago
(in reply to this post)


@tony.burtovoy: I am afraid the issue is on your side. The SSL certificate presented by your server has expired - hence the failed SSL handshake message. To resolve this, you will need to renew/update the expired SSL certificate.

by Daniel Novak (Vamsoft) 6 months ago
(in reply to this post)


hmmm, well, on checking my tls certificates, I see they're all up to date and several testing websites confirm TLS is good to go for my domain.

IIS smtp virtual service claims it has found a valid tls certificate, to expire out in October.. so... odd???

..so, ..so, I go into IIS smtp service and disable TLS for Outbound security... and all of a sudden it delivers vamsoft emails just fine.

funny with TLS enabled on outbound mails I have no issues with other mail domains.. just vamsoft. odd?

I dunno what to say. my server says certificate ok... your server says my certificate is bad.

Anyways, you should have the zip now.

by tony.burtovoy 6 months ago

@tony.burtovoy: Hello Tony,

The reported email logging (/filtering) problem has been confirmed as a bug in version 6.9 by our developers. This has been documented on our Known Issues page, along with a workaround. You can view the details here:


The workaround should resolve the issue until the hotfix is released, which is scheduled for tomorrow.

Regarding the Log Viewer problem you mentioned, our testing suggests that the issue likely stems from downgrading from version 6.9 to 6.8.3. Unlike version 6.9, version 6.8.3 does not support backward compatibility with logs created by later versions, such as those with the new Sender Location field introduced in 6.9. This incompatibility is likely the cause of the error messages when attempting to open newer logs with the older tool. Should the issue persist after upgrading to v6.9 (or 6.9.1), please contact us at , and we will be happy to investigate further.

Thank you again for your prompt feedback and for helping us address these issues!

by Daniel Novak (Vamsoft) 6 months ago
(in reply to this post)

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