Wrong IP in Hostkarma rejection messages (at least) - ORF Forums

Wrong IP in Hostkarma rejection messages (at least) RSS Back to forum



I've recently needed to add a additional host to send mails as Microsoft does not trust the whole IP pool of my hosting service (Scaleway).

After configuring my relay as intended, I also configured it as a backup MX and added its IP address as an intermediat host in ORF.

While looking at the logs to check if it was working correctly, I noticed an error in the error generated by ORF for a failed HostKarma check:

[...] status=bounced (host mail.redacted.org[62.210.x.y] said: 550 5.7.1 Mailbox unavailable. Your IP address is blacklisted using HOSTKARMA. Details: http://ipadmin.junkemailfilter.com/remove.php?ip=51.178.x.y (in reply to end of DATA command))

The message show the real IP address at first but build an incorrect URL using the intermediat host IP address instead.

I've checked and my relay address (57.178.x.y) is not marked as blocked while the real IP of the sender is marked.
Maybe other generated URLs are affected by this little issue.

I've found 2 wrongly formed errors (the relay only operate for few hours) but ORF is still doing a great job so far within this new setup.

Hope this will help :)

Best Regards,

by GrinGrin 3 months ago

@GrinGrin: Hello GrinGrin,

Thank you for letting us know about the issue. Could you please send us (to ) the ORF text log from the day of the incident and your ORF configuration file for analysis?

- ORF configuration file: This file is named orfent.xml and is located in the C:\ProgramData\ORF Fusion\ directory.

- ORF text log file: The log file (e.g., orfee-2024-06-22.log) can be found in the configured ORF logging path. By default, this path is C:\ProgramData\ORF Fusion\TextLogs.

We would like to determine whether this is due to a configuration error or another issue. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

by Daniel Novak (Vamsoft) 3 months ago
(in reply to this post)

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