error when I start administration tools - ORF Forums

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General error.
SMTP administration is unavailable.
EAccessViolation "Access violation at address 7367FE1E in module 'activeds.dll'.
(Windows server 2008 + ORF Version 4.3)
Please help!
Best regards

by Kirill more than 10 years ago

@Kirill: The file activeds.dll belongs to the Active Directory Service (ADSI) which tries to access the IIS metabase. This error can be caused by a lot of things, most likely it is a problem with IIS or the IIS metabase (it is corrupted), I suggest checking it. Corrupted IIS metabases can be fixed by restoring a backup or (if no backup is available) by reinstalling IIS (see

by Krisztian Fekete more than 10 years ago
(in reply to this post)


@Kirill: Please consider that IIS SMTP support on Windows Server 2008 was introduced in ORF 4.4 only. Version 4.3 will support Exchange installations, but not IIS ones.

by Peter Karsai more than 10 years ago
(in reply to this post)

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