Changing Priorities on Exchange 2010 - ORF Forums

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I read the KB "Changing the filtering order"
in order to see what I had to do to check the filtering order on my new install of Exchange 2010 but am a little confused by the wording. I run Orf Fusion 5.1 and Trend Micro ScanMail for Exchange for spam filtering. The Get output showed priorities of ScanMail Routing Agent 1, ScanMail SMTP Receive Agent 2, then Microsoft Agents 3 and 4 and 5, then Vamsoft Orf SMTP Receive Agent 6 and Vamsoft Orf Routing Agent 7. I changed Vamsoft Orf SMTP Receive Agent to 1. Do I also need to change Vamsoft Orf Routing Agent to 2? The KB says:
"ORF has two agents, the Vamsoft ORF Routing Agent and the Vamsoft ORF Receive Agent. You should set their priority of the latter higher than the priority of other Transport Agents, so it would run before them (the lower the number the higher the priority). "
"Their priority of the latter" perhaps should be "the priority of the latter" if only one change needs to be made or "their priority" if both need to be changed. Can you clarify?

by mike.galbicka more than 10 years ago

@mike.galbicka: Also this command in the KB
Set-TransportAgent -Identity "Vamsoft ORF Receive Agent" -Priority 2
should read
Set-TransportAgent -Identity "Vamsoft ORF SMTP Receive Agent" -Priority 2
The first command returns not found error because SMTP was left out of the Identity.

by mike.galbicka more than 10 years ago
(in reply to this post)


@mike.galbicka: "perhaps should be "the priority of the latter""

Exactly. Thanks for reporting the typo, I will fix this immediately. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

The Vamsoft ORF Routing Agent is responsible for collecting outbound email data for the Auto Sender Whitelist, so its priority does not matter as far as incoming emails are concerned.

by Krisztián Fekete (Vamsoft) more than 10 years ago
(in reply to this post)


@mike.galbicka: I fixed this as well, thanks again.

by Krisztián Fekete (Vamsoft) more than 10 years ago
(in reply to this post)


I would recommend not using TrendMicro Scanmail for Spamfiltering at all. Far too much false positives. I'd rather use ORF in conjunction with Contentscanner Agent from Exchange 2010.


by NorbertFe more than 10 years ago

@Krisztián Fekete (Vamsoft): Thanks for the clarification Krisztian.

by mike.galbicka more than 10 years ago
(in reply to this post)


@NorbertFe: Norbert - thanks for the suggestion. I have tweaked ScanMail spam filtering settings to achieve low false positives and still help catch spam that makes it through ORF. I am not familiar yet with Contentscanner Agent from Exchange 2010 as this is my first 2010 server. Will check it out though.

by mike.galbicka more than 10 years ago
(in reply to this post)


Just to be clear here, It would seem like I need to set the Priority to 1 to get it to scan prior to TrendMicro?

Use this: Set-TransportAgent -Identity "Vamsoft ORF SMTP Receive Agent" -Priority 1
To scan before all?

Here is a list of my Get-TransportAgent | Format-List

RunspaceId : e2246ae7-16bd-4b43-8a41-0de6ca499fa6
Enabled : True
Priority : 1
TransportAgentFactory : TrendMicro.SMEX.hookE12TransportAgent.hookE12SmtpReceiveAgentFactory
AssemblyPath : C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Smex\hookE12TransportAgent.dll
Identity : ScanMail SMTP Receive Agent
IsValid : True

RunspaceId : e2246ae7-16bd-4b43-8a41-0de6ca499fa6
Enabled : True
Priority : 2
TransportAgentFactory : TrendMicro.SMEX.hookE12TransportAgent.hookE12RoutingAgentFactory
AssemblyPath : C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Smex\hookE12TransportAgent.dll
Identity : ScanMail Routing Agent
IsValid : True

RunspaceId : e2246ae7-16bd-4b43-8a41-0de6ca499fa6
Enabled : True
Priority : 3
TransportAgentFactory : Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.TransportRuleAgent.TransportRuleAgentFactory
AssemblyPath : C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles\agents\Rule\Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.TransportRuleAgent.dll
Identity : Transport Rule Agent
IsValid : True

RunspaceId : e2246ae7-16bd-4b43-8a41-0de6ca499fa6
Enabled : True
Priority : 4
TransportAgentFactory : Microsoft.Exchange.TextMessaging.MobileDriver.TextMessagingRoutingAgentFactory
AssemblyPath : C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.MobileDriver.dll
Identity : Text Messaging Routing Agent
IsValid : True

RunspaceId : e2246ae7-16bd-4b43-8a41-0de6ca499fa6
Enabled : True
Priority : 5
TransportAgentFactory : Microsoft.Exchange.TextMessaging.MobileDriver.TextMessagingDeliveryAgentFactory
AssemblyPath : C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.MobileDriver.dll
Identity : Text Messaging Delivery Agent
IsValid : True

RunspaceId : e2246ae7-16bd-4b43-8a41-0de6ca499fa6
Enabled : True
Priority : 6
TransportAgentFactory : Vamsoft.ORF.TransportAgents.VSSmtpReceiveAgentFactory
AssemblyPath : C:\Program Files (x86)\ORF Enterprise Edition\orftagent.dll
Identity : Vamsoft ORF SMTP Receive Agent
IsValid : True

RunspaceId : e2246ae7-16bd-4b43-8a41-0de6ca499fa6
Enabled : True
Priority : 7
TransportAgentFactory : Vamsoft.ORF.TransportAgents.VSRoutingAgentFactory
AssemblyPath : C:\Program Files (x86)\ORF Enterprise Edition\orftagent.dll
Identity : Vamsoft ORF Routing Agent
IsValid : True

by scooter133 7 years ago

@scooter133: Hello scooter133,

Yes, that is right. If you want ORF to filter the incoming emails before the other spam/malware filtering software that are installed on your mail server, then you will need to assign the highest transport agent priority (1) to the "Vamsoft ORF SMTP Receive Agent".

by Daniel Novak (Vamsoft) 7 years ago
(in reply to this post)

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