Handling email from an old Domain RSS Back to forum
On Exchange 2010, if a sender is on the "Auto Sender Whitelist' do the Exchange 2010 Hub Transport Rules still apply?
I tried to make a Transport Rule to do exactly what I am asking Vamsoft to do, but it is not working. So my question is, if a sender is whitelisted do the Transport Rules still apply?
Matt R.
@Matt Reed: Unfortunately, it is not possible to create such rule in ORF (if email is directed to X recipient domain, redirect the email to a specific address).
@Matt Reed: Exchange rules ignore the whitelisting of ORF, so if a sender is whitelisted in ORF, Transport Rules of Exchange should still apply.
We changed our domain name but kept the old one so we would not miss any emails. I believe that a lot of our spam is addressed to our old domain.
Is there a way to test for emails going to the old domain name and have them go to a specific email address? I could then review them for non-spam emails and notify the person in question that we have a new domain name.
Or maybe mark them in some fashion.
Matt R.