Block all TLD Domain Except One RSS Back to forum
Hello Jean,
The DNS Blacklist test is an automated test that communicates with public blacklists -which you have no control over- via DNS queries. You will have to do either of the following:
1a) If you want to blacklist emails coming from *.io, but not from *
Add the "^(?=.*(\.io$))(?!.+[@.]whova\.io).*" regular expression to the Sender Blacklist.
1b) If you want to blacklist emails coming from *.io, and whitelist emails from * (i.e. exclude them from filtering):
Add the "*.io" wildcard mask to the Sender Blacklist, and "*" to the Sender Whitelist.
2a) If you want to blacklist emails sent to *.io, but not to *
Add the "^(?=.*(\.io$))(?!.+[@.]whova\.io).*" regular expression to the Recipient Blacklist.
2b) If you want to blacklist email sent to *.io, and whitelist emails sent to * (i.e. exclude them from filtering):
Add the "*.io" wildcard mask to the Recipient Blacklist, and "*" to the Recipient Whitelist.
NOTE: In ORF, whitelists generally take precedence over any of the blacklist tests, but there are some exceptions:
I hope this helps, but let me know if you have any questions.
That helps. Thank you.
I actually meant the sender blacklist not sure why I said DNS blacklist. One of those days. :)
Want to achieve:
Block all emails to *.io
Except for *
Will adding *.io to the DNS blacklist and adding * to the DNS whitelist work? Will this also bypass the spf, dkim, and ad checks?
Would just adding "^(?=.*(\.io$))(?!.+[@.]whova\.io).*" work in the DNS blacklist and call it a day. This should do what I want but also run through all the other normal checks.