Downtime skews ORF's VBSpam result

BUDAPEST, Hungary (December 9, 2010) - Vamsoft ORF, leading software based anti-spam solution for Microsoft® Exchange and IIS SMTP achieved VBSpam Verified award for the fourth consecutive test period.
The independent test conducted by Virus Bulletin's Anti-spam team included 19 leading spam filtering solutions from around the world. The aim of the testing is to benchmark available spam filters in their ability to protect inboxes from the onslaught of spam e-mails. The testing and verification procedure has become an industry standard in the measuring and benchmarking the efficiency of anti-spam solutions.
Of the 19 products evaluated during the 14 day period, ORF retained its position in the top tier of the tested solutions with an exceptionally low false positive rate. Due to certain technical circumstances, all tested solutions in the latest round of tests received a noticeably lower number of emails than in the previous rounds. Of the 95,000 emails tested, ORF falsely classified only one sender as spam, but the low number of e-mails had a significant effect on the weight of false positives.
As Peter Karsai, Product Development Director of ORF explained, "The one sender that created the false positive was a result of a wrong entry in the Spamhaus ZEN list, in the PBL section. This has affected the performance of several other solutions in the test as well."
During this testing round, the total number of emails tested was lower by about 60% compared to previous test periods. As a result, even one false positive was able to hugely impact the rating. This is the reason that ORF achieved a 0.17% false positive rating, which was outperformed only by 4 other products in the test.
"In a real life scenario, ORF would have relied on a number of other tests to evaluate the validity of the e-mail in question. These tests, such as the Auto Sender Whitelist are there specifically to make sure that valid e-mails are not rejected incorrectly. However, the test methodology prevents us from using many of these very useful tests." said Karsai.
About ORF
ORF is a spam filtering solution developed by Vamsoft Ltd., an independent Hungarian software developer since 2002. ORF provides a vast range of tools for Microsoft® Exchange and IIS SMTP to correctly identify spam especially in a multi language environment. ORF also comes with intuitive and detailed reporting features which enable system administrators to overview and manage spam threats with unprecedented ease. ORF is sold to 94 countries around the world to SMBs to Enterprise level companies and governmental institutions.
About VBSpam
After more than a decade of experience in the field of anti-malware testing, Virus Bulletin began running an anti-spam testing and certification scheme at the beginning of 2009. The VBSpam test has since become a recognized industry standard.
The test uses Virus Bulletin's live email stream, which is sent to all the filters participating in the test in random order, thus exposing each to exactly the same email stream, in real time. The test measures both the false positive rate and the spam catch rate of the products, and VBSpam certifications are awarded to products that exceed a predefined benchmark based on both measurements.
Contact Details
Andras Sudy
Business Development Director
[email protected]
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