6.9.2 ORF Online Help
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Local Features

General Information

In case the managed ORF instance utilizes the Configuration Subscription feature and pulls its configuration from a publisher server, some local settings and file paths are overridden by the settings of the publisher server and can no longer be edited locally.


The local ORF instance can be configured to the take control of some settings using the Local Features dialog, so the publisher settings can be overridden with local ones. This comes in handy if you need to specify different Intermediate Hosts on the local server, or if your want to perform different actions (from the ones configured on the publisher server) on blacklisted emails for example.

The Local features dialog can be invoked by clicking the Local Features button on the SystemConfiguration Subscription page.

Enabling Local Features

Tick the Enable local features checkbox to enable selected local settings to override the settings received from the publisher server. Using the radio buttons, you can configure each feature individually to be local (managed on the local server) or remote (retrieved from the publisher server).

Copyright © Vamsoft Ltd. 2024. All rights reserved. Document ID adm-localfeatures, version 1.