6.9.2 ORF Online Help
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Plus Addressing Expression

This section describes the use of the plus addressing expression dialog in ORF.

Using the Plus Addressing Expression dialog

Use this dialog to add (or remove) plus tags to the recipient addresses of incoming emails, based on specified sender/author, recipient, subject and plus tag combinations.

Create a sender/autor or recipient email address expression with help...

By clicking the plus icon button right to the expression box, you can invoke a dialog which will generate an expression based on the Expression scope of your choice:

Email address entered Selected scope Expression generated Matches
[email protected] All addresses in the domain and its subdomains .*@([^.]+\.)*domain\.com$ Matches [email protected] and [email protected]
[email protected] All addresses in the domain *@domain.com Matches [email protected] but does not match [email protected]
[email protected] Only the above address [email protected] Matches [email protected] only

Wildcard masks and regular expressions

Email addresses, subjects and plus tags can be specified by the email address, subject line or plus tag itself, but you can use wildcard masks or Perl-compatible regular expressions. Switch between the two modes by using the Simple text / wildcard mask and the Regular expression (Perl-compatible) radio buttons.

The wildcard mask supports the * and the ? wildcards.

Wildcard Expressions

Usage and syntax

Wildcards allow you to define masks easily, without having to learn the relatively complex regular expression syntax. Wildcards are special characters which match a wildcard-dependent count of arbitrary characters. ORF supports two wildcard characters:

Wildcard Meaning Example
* Matches zero or more arbitrary characters. *example.org
? Matches zero or one arbitrary character. example?.org

ORF's wildcard masks are case-insensitive. The number of wildcards in a single mask is not limited.


Specify what ORF should do when the plus addressing expression matches an incoming email: You can choose to add a plus tag to the local-part of the recipient address (this overwrites any existing plus tags) or remove the plus tag from the recipient address.

Only add a plus tag to the recipient address if you are confident your downstream mail servers can read and process plus tagged recipient addresses. Otherwise, these emails may not be delivered.

Optionally, you can include a comment with the expression. This comment is logged when a hit appears on this list and logging of the plus tag action is enabled.


Domains and subdomains

You can list a domain and its subdomains in a single wildcard expression like *example.org, but this mask also matches for notactuallyanexample.org. If you want to specify example.org and all of its subdomains, use a regular expression like



Internationalized Domain Names

When working with IDNs, make sure to enter these in ASCII ("Punycode") format, e.g. as "xn--e1afmkfd.xn--80akhbyknj4f" instead of "пример.испытание".

Copyright © Vamsoft Ltd. 2025. All rights reserved. Document ID adm-plusaddrexpression, version 1.