6.9.2 ORF Online Help
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Proxy Settings

General Information

The proxy settings dialog allows you to configure ORF to connect to remote servers directly or through a proxy server.

Management Tools vs. Service Proxy Settings
ORF management tools (Administration Tool, Log Viewer and Reporting Tool) installed on your local computer may require different proxy settings to access remote ORF instances, than the ORF Service that is performing the actual filtering and often needs to update its filter definitions or connect to remote publisher servers for configuration updates.

Proxy settings related to the ORF management tools can be accessed through the FileConnection Preferences menu.

Proxy settings related to the ORF service can be configured on the SystemNetwork SettingsProxy Settings page in the ORF Administration Tool.

Connection Type

Direct connection (no HTTP proxy)

By default, ORF tries to connect to remote installations directly using an HTTP-based protocol (modified version of SOAP). Choose this option if you are connecting directly with no proxy involved.

Connect using HTTP Proxy

If you are connecting to the remote server through a proxy, you should enter the proxy parameters under HTTP Proxy Details (see below).

HTTP Proxy Details

Enter the proxy server IP or name and the connection port (example: proxy.example.org:8080). If the proxy requires authentication, enter the user name and password as well, if the proxy does not require authentication, leave the latter two fields blank.

Proxy Bypass

Set the Bypass HTTP proxy for local network addresses (intranet) checkbox if connecting to intranet hosts does not require proxy access.

You can also add other, non-local hosts which should be accessed directly (even with the Connect using HTTP proxy option selected) by adding them to the Bypass proxy for the following hosts field separated by semicolons.

Import from Connection Preferences Button

Clicking this button will import the proxy configuration of your management tools (see Local vs. Server Proxy Settings at the top) so the managed ORF service will use the same proxy settings to access the Internet and remote resources as your ORF management tools.

Copyright © Vamsoft Ltd. 2024. All rights reserved. Document ID proxysettings, version 3.