6.9.2 ORF Online Help
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The Whitelist category page of the Administration Tool includes whitelist test pages, which help to ensure no legitimate email will be detected as spam by blacklist tests. Whitelists generally overrule all blacklists unless a blacklist test is explicitly configured to ignore whitelists.

This includes the following pages:

  • Authentication Whitelist
    Whitelist emails from trusted (authenticated) users and servers. See the Authentication Whitelist section for more information.
  • Auto Sender Whitelist
    Build an automatic whitelist of email recipients your users correspond with. See the Auto Sender Whitelist section for more information.
  • DNS Whitelist
    Verify the email source in Return Path, Inc.'s Sender Score service. See the DNS Whitelist section for more information.
  • IP Whitelist
    Exclude sender servers and networks from filtering. See the IP Whitelist section for more information.
  • Keyword Whitelist
    Let the email through if it contains certain words (e.g., your brand names). See the Keyword Whitelist section for more information.
  • Recipient Whitelist
    Disable spam filtering for specific mailboxes. See the Recipient Whitelist section for more information.
  • Sender Whitelist
    Whitelist emails from certain senders and domains. See the Sender Whitelist section for more information.

Click either of the above on the group page to jump directly to the related sub-page.

Copyright © Vamsoft Ltd. 2024. All rights reserved. Document ID adm-whitelists, version 1.