6.9.2 ORF Online Help
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SURBL Properties

This help section describes the use of the SURBL Properties Dialog.

Using the SURBL Properties Dialog

Use this dialog to edit an SURBL definition. A definition consists of several properties which describe the blacklist service parameters and usage options for ORF. All properties are required unless otherwise noted.

Short blacklist identifier

A short name or abbreviation/acronym which identifies the blacklist. Typically written with capitalized letters. Must not contain spaces or special signs, only alphanumerical characters, underscore ("_") and hyphen ("-") are allowed.

Blacklist full name

Full name of the blacklist, for example: SURBL: Combined SURBL list.


Optional. Blacklist description. Describes the blacklist and contains a TXT record sample.

If multiple DNS results can be used with the blacklist, it should also contain the individual DNS results and their description.

SURBL domain

A domain postfix used by ORF to look up domains in the SURBL.

Examples: SC-SURBL has domain postfix sc.surbl.org, SC-MULTI has domain postfix multi.surbl.org.

Reverse domain name for lookups

Specifies whether to reverse the domain name to be checked before appending to the SURBL domain postfix. Most SURBLs use straight order.

Reverse IP address for lookups

Specifies whether to reverse the IP address to be checked before appending to the SURBL domain postfix. Most SURBLs use reversed order.

Use TXT records (For logging)

Set this checkbox if you want ORF to perform TXT lookups for the given blacklist and log the resulting information. Note that getting TXT data requires an additional DNS lookup.

Lookup Results

SURBLs lookup results in one or more IP addresses if the given domain is blacklisted. Various IP addresses may indicate different blacklisting reasons.

Most SURBLs use a single lookup result only, which indicates that the checked domain is listed in the SURBL.

Click the New button to add a new lookup result. To modify an existing result, click Modify or hit Enter. Lookup results can be deleted using the Delete button or the Delete key.

Blacklist if DNS record exists (regardless record data)

Set this checkbox if you want ORF to blacklist the email regardless the DNS record contents.

See Also

Copyright © Vamsoft Ltd. 2024. All rights reserved. Document ID adm-urlblacklist-surblprops, version 1.