6.9.2 ORF Online Help
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Remote Access

Enabling the remote access allows you to manage the ORF configuration, browse logs and create reports from a client computer with the ORF Management Tools installed. It is also required for the Configuration Subscription feature, so other instances can obtain the configuration and update their own.

This topic describes the settings available on the Remote Access page of the Administration Tool (SystemRemote Access).

Enabling and Disabling Remote Access

To enable the Remote Access feature, check the Enable Remote Access checkbox. To disable this feature, uncheck it.

Setting up Remote Access

Remote Access requires the following to be configured:

Configure the network interfaces and ports through which your ORF server accepts remote connections by clicking the Local Bindings button. See the Local Bindings topic for details.
Specify the hosts which are allowed to connect remotely by clicking the Allowed IPs button. See the Allowed Hosts and Services topic for details.
Set a strong password for Remote Connections by clicking the Set Password button. See the Server Password topic for details.
Copyright © Vamsoft Ltd. 2024. All rights reserved. Document ID adm-remoteaccess, version 1.