6.9.2 ORF Online Help
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Recipient Validation Source: SQL Database

This help section describes the SQL Database source of the Recipient Validation Test.

Connection Tab

Connection string

Specify the ADO connection string here. The connection string format changes from ADO provider to provider, consult your database or provider manual on the connection string format. Click the Test Connection button to test your connectivity to the database.

Lookup Command Tab

Connection string

Enter the parametrized SQL command that ORF will perform to look up the recipient address. See notes below.


Lookup Command Expected Results

ORF expects one or more records to be returned by the lookup command if the recipient is valid and no records if the recipient is invalid.

Parameter Usage

To prevent SQL injection attacks, ORF does not merely insert the recipient address as text into the SQL command, instead it uses a parametrized ADO command. Due to this, the provider must support parametrized queries. The parameter format used by the provider may differ, so ORF adds only one unnamed parameter, the recipient address. This, the first and only parameter must be the recipient address in the lookup command.

Case Sensitivity

Note that some SQL databases may do case-sensitive comparison, so make sure that the recipient address is compared in a case-insensitive way.

Copyright © Vamsoft Ltd. 2024. All rights reserved. Document ID adm-recipientvalidationsrc-sql, version 1.