6.9.2 ORF Online Help
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Table of Contents

Log and Events: SQL Log Settings

This section explains the SQL log and event settings.

General Information

SQL databases require manual setup (this may include Microsoft® SQL Server® setup, too) which may take a few minutes, but they scale well and the databases can be shared by ORF servers. SQL logs can be viewed, searched or filtered using the ORF Log Viewer tool or the native database editing tools of SQL Server®.

How can I set up an external database for ORF?

Our website offers downloadable guides that explain the process. Please visit the ORF Database Setup Guides page.

Events Tab

Enable ORF logging

Set this checkbox to enable generating SQL logs.


Select events to be logged by their class, severity and filtering point.

Set the checkbox of an event category to be logged, e.g., set the "Log events with Error severity" if you want to log errors or set "On Arrival: Log when an email is blacklisted" if you want to log blacklisted emails at the On Arrival filtering point. Where noted, the specific event overrides the Info severity settings, i.e., if Info severity logging is disabled, but blacklisting emails at the On Arrival filtering point is enabled, the event will be logged even if its severity is Info.

Connection Tab

Connection string

Specify the ADO connection string here. The connection string format changes from ADO provider to provider, consult your database or provider manual on the connection string format. Click the Test Connection button to test your connectivity to the database.

Settings Tab

Add email subject to the log where available

Set this checkbox to log the email subject of the incoming email as a separate column in the log. Note that at the Before Arrival filtering point, the email subject is never available, thus Before Arrival log entries will never show the subject of the related email.

Add author (From header) address to the log where available

Set this checkbox if you want the author email address (aka. RFC5322.From header address) of the incoming emails to be added to the log as a separate column. This may help identifying the messages. Note that at the Before Arrival filtering point, the Message-ID is never available, thus Before Arrival log entries will never show the author of the related email.

Add related test name to the log where available

Set this checkbox if you want the name of the ORF test that blacklisted or whitelisted the email to be added to the log as a separate column.

Add email Message ID to the log where available

Set this checkbox if you want the MIME Message-ID of the incoming emails to be added to the log as a separate column. This may help identifying the messages. Note that at the Before Arrival filtering point, the Message-ID is never available, thus Before Arrival log entries will never show the Message ID of the related email.

Add HELO/EHLO domain to the log where available

Set this checkbox to add the SMTP HELO/EHLO domain to the ORF log as a separate column.

Log retention - Automatically delete logs older than "X" days

By enabling this feature, you can get ORF log entries removed automatically above a certain age. This prevents the ORF database from consuming too much disk space. Logs are deleted based on the ORF server name so only the records associated with that server are deleted from the database. If the database is shared by multiple servers or the server name changes, log entries may remain in the database.

Copyright © Vamsoft Ltd. 2025. All rights reserved. Document ID adm-log-sqllog, version 1.