6.9.2 ORF Online Help
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Domain List Dialog

This section describes the use of the domain lists in ORF.

General Information

Domain lists allow you to define a list of domains or domain masks.

Using the Domain Lists

Enable the list

Set the checkbox on the top to enable, or clear the checkbox to disable the list. Note that this option may not be available for all domain lists.

Adding, modifying and deleting domains

Click the New button to add a new domain or domain expression to the list: this will invoke the Domain Expression dialog. To modify an existing expression, select it and click Modify or hit Enter. Expressions can be deleted using the Delete button or the Delete key.

Note that you should add only plain domains to the list, the http:// https://, ftp:// etc. prefixes MUST not be added.

When working with IDNs, make sure to enter these in ASCII ("Punycode") format, e.g. as "xn--e1afmkfd.xn--80akhbyknj4f" instead of "пример.испытание".

Sorting the list

Click the column header of any column by which you wish to sort the email address list. To reverse sorting, click the column header again.

Testing against all domain list entries

Click the Test button to invoke the Test Domain Name Dialog, which can be used to quickly identify any expression matching the domain name you entered. This comes in handy if you want to identify which manual expression blocked a legitimate sender (to avoid false positives in the future), or if you want to make sure your current expressions do not whitelist or blacklist a specific domain.

For more information about this dialog, please consult the Test Domain Name Dialog section.

Sorting the list

Click the column header of any column by which you wish to sort the domain list. To reverse sorting, click the column header again.

Exporting and importing the list

Right-click on the domain list and select "Import domain list..." or "Export domain list...". Alternatively, you can do this from the menu, select FileImport... or FileExport...

Export and importing format

The import and export format for the domain definitions is XML (see the List Import and Export Formats section).

Searching expressions in logs

Right-click on the list item or items and select "Search in logs..." to find log records that match the defined expression. Logs need to be loaded in the Log Viewer beforehand.

Copyright © Vamsoft Ltd. 2024. All rights reserved. Document ID adm-domainlists, version 3.