5.2 ORF Online Help
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Pending Remote Control Submissions

This help section describes the Pending Remote Control Submissions dialog (FilePending Submissions...) of the ORF Administration Tool.

The Pending Remote Control Submissions dialog shows items sent from the ORF Log Viewer that have not been approved or rejected yet. The ORF Service already uses these items, but the final decision making happens in this dialog.

  • Approve: When you approve a pending item, it is removed from the queue and gets added to your permanent ORF configuration.
  • Reject: When you reject a pending item, it is removed from the queue and the ORF Service stops using it.

Using the Dialog

Click on the Approve button next to an item to approve, or the Reject button to reject an item.

You can click Approve All to approve all pending items —this is what you will do most often.

Clicking the Refresh button will refresh the current view, so you will see all new items sent over since you opened the dialog (if there were any).

The actual approve and reject operations are performed when you save the ORF configuration, i.e., this is when the changes are applied.

Adding spammer addresses to the blacklist each time a spam slips through filtering requires a lot of work, and you will get little results (spammers rarely use the same address twice). Also, the lists quickly become unmanageable. Instead, you should rely on automated tests of ORF like DNS blacklists and SURBLs, see our recommendations.

The same applies to whitelists: if properly configured, ORF will rarely block legitimate emails (if any). Using the Auto Sender Whitelist and DNS Whitelist features the risk can be minimized even further, so it makes little sense adding hundreds of senders to the whitelists manually.


Dealing with duplicates

If a remotely submitted item is already present in the current configuration (duplicate), it will be rejected automatically and will not be displayed in the Pending Submissions dialog. If a new item is added multiple times, the latest submission will overwrite any previous submissions of the same item. (E.g., you send [email protected] with comment "spammer" over to the Sender Blacklist, then the same address again a few seconds later with comment "bad guy", only the latter will appear in the Pending Submissions dialog).

You may occasionally see items in the dialog highlighted in yellow: this means the target list already has more items than recommended. In such cases, you can still approve the item, but also consider reviewing your configuration.

Remote Control and Configuration Subscription

If the Log Viewer is connected to a subscriber server and you attempt to submit items to the manual lists using the remote control feature, ORF will offer to forward these to the publisher configuration (if the target list is not subject to localization).

The forwarding is performed by the subscriber server, as the client running the ORF Log Viewer may have no direct access to the publisher server. Submitting these items to the publisher requires the subscriber to have Administration privileges, simple Configuration Synchronization access is insufficient.

See Also

Copyright © Vamsoft Ltd. 2025. All rights reserved. Document ID adm-rcts, version 1.