Feature Requests

Your search for "actions" returned 9 results:

New Action: Drop Email Silently

Last activity: more than 10 years ago
Add a new action to ORF that allows dropping the email silently at On Arrival, without returning an SMTP response to the sending server. It would appear that the local server accepts the blacklisted email, but it would cancel the delivery without telling the sender.

DONE Add Test Data to the Email Header

Last activity: 6 years ago
Add X-fields to the email header that describe the tests performed. This would be basically a mini-log in the header and could help with quickly reviewing the email history without using the ORF Log Viewer.

DONE Test Mode per ORF Test

Last activity: 3 years ago
Add the ability to run specific list items (e.g. DNS Blacklists, Keyword Blacklist expressions, External Agents) in "test mode". In this mode, ORF would only log hits on these tests, without actually perform any action. This would allow studying e.g. new DNS Blacklists, Keyword Blacklist items or External Agents.

Per Item Actions

Last activity: 1 year ago
Allow selecting a different action for practically any item on the ORF lists. For instance, more reliable DNS blacklist would reject the email, less reliable ones would cause only the subject to be tagged. Similarily, proven Keyword Blacklist expressions would cause email rejection and ones added only recently would cause tagging only.
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