Feature Requests

Your search for "filtering" returned 43 results:

DONE Reject Emails Sent to Disabled Recipient Addresses

Last activity: 5 years ago
Currently, the Active Directory-based Recipient Validation of ORF blacklists emails sent to non-existent recipients in the Active Directory. By implementing this feature, ORF would reject incoming emails for existent, but disabled recipient addresses as well.

New Action: Drop Email Silently

Last activity: more than 10 years ago
Add a new action to ORF that allows dropping the email silently at On Arrival, without returning an SMTP response to the sending server. It would appear that the local server accepts the blacklisted email, but it would cancel the delivery without telling the sender.

Support More DNS Whitelists

Last activity: 4 years ago
Support more DNS-based reputation services in addition to Sender Score Certified, such as DNSWL.org. ORF could query the sender IP address against these lists and whitelist (allow through) trusted senders.

Validate Sender Address using Recipient Validation

Last activity: more than 10 years ago
Validate sender email addresses using the same valid email address source as the Recipient Validation test if it claims to be from any of the local domains. For instance, if the sender is [email protected] and example.com is my domain, check if [email protected] is a valid email address.
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