Feature Requests

DONE Log Viewer: Load Log Files From Multiple Servers

Last activity: 4 years ago
Improve the Log Viewer so it could load log files from multiple servers at once. Each server would have a sub-directory in the ORF log directory mapped in using symbolic links over the Windows network: the Log Viewer could load all log files from all of these sub-directories.

Reporting Tool Exports in PDF Format

Last activity: 7 years ago
Support exporting ORF Reporting Tool reports into Adobe® PDF format to allow viewing/sending them without the ORF Reporting Tool.

DONE Support for DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) RFC 4871

Last activity: 4 years ago
DKIM uses public-key cryptography to allow the sender to electronically sign legitimate emails in a way that can be verified by recipients. Prominent email service providers implementing DKIM (or its slightly different predecessor, DomainKeys) include Yahoo and Gmail. Any mail from these domains should carry a DKIM signature, and if the recipient knows this, they can discard mail that hasn't been signed, or that has an invalid signature. Learn more at http://dkim.org.

DONE Option to Disable Individual Items on Manual Lists

Last activity: 5 years ago
Currently, it is only possible to disable all items of a specific test by disabling the test itself or removing items one by one manually. This feature would allow to temporary disable individual items of a test (e.g., Keyword Filtering, Recipient Blacklist) without deleting them, so they could be re-activated easily in the future if needed.
hnp1 | hnp2