Feature Requests

DONE Honeypot (Spamtrap)

Last activity: more than 10 years ago
Blacklist the sender IP address of those writing to specific local email addresses, e.g. addresses published on the company web site specifically as honeypot (spamtrap) addresses. This feature would be based on the assumption that whoever sends email to the honeypot address(es) must be a wrongdoer, because the honeypot address may be collected only by robots scanning the internet (and the web, specifically) for email addresses, which is a typical spammer behavior.

DONE Directory Harvest Attack (DHA) Protection

Last activity: more than 10 years ago
Add a new test to ORF that would temporarily reject all delivery attempts if the sending IP address is sending to more than "X" (user-configurable) non-existent recipients within in a specified period of time. This would provide some protection against poorly distributed or non-distributed Directory Harvest Attacks.

DONE Remote Control to Work Without the Admin Tool

Last activity: more than 10 years ago
Change the remote control feature of ORF (the feature that allows sending IPs and email addresses to the IP Blacklist, etc. from the Log Viewer) to work without having to start the ORF Administration Tool first.

DONE Apply Configuration Changes Without Service Restart

Last activity: more than 10 years ago
Apply ORF configuration changes without restarting the ORF Service. This would prevent interruption of spam filtering that are currently caused by ORF Service restarts.
hnp1 | hnp2